Barley Physical Map
From Gottfried Künzel, 26 Jul 1999, Updated 15 Oct 2001
Integration of barley translocation breakpoints into the Igri/Franka-derived RFLP linkage map
Map Images
Figure Legend
STS Primers Used
Barley Translocation Lines
Idiograms of 120 barley translocation lines used
for PCR-mapping of their breakpoints onto the Igri/Franka-derived RFLP
Standard untranslocated genome
Legend to idiograms
The nomenclature for translocations corresponds to that used in Tables 1-7 (old barley enumeration).
All measurements are on the basis of milliGeNome units
(1 mGN = 1/1000 mitotic metaphase genome length).
Arm lengths, N-bands and positions of breakpoints are given as the distances in mGN from
centromeres (= position 0) within short and long arms.
Arrows point at the positions of breakpoints.
Double arrows indicate the defined segment to which the breakpoint was assigned.
Künzel, G., L. Korzun, and A. Meister. 2000.
Cytologically Integrated Physical Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Maps for the Barley Genome Based on Translocation Breakpoints. Genetics 154: 397-412.