Legend to Map Images
Comparison of physical and genetic maps
The idiograms and RFLP maps are aligned at approximate centromere positions (Cen).
Subregions of similar recombination rates are shown in the same colour.
As compared to the genome wide average (4.4 Mb/cM),
cyan indicates suppressed (> 4.4 Mb/cM),
green increased (1.0-4.4)
and red strongly increased (£ 1.0 Mb/cM) recombination.
Black regions of the physical maps mark Giemsa N-bands.
Positions of N-bands, nucleolus organizer regions (NOR)
and translocation breakpoints (TB) are given in
fraction length estimates (FL = length of the non-translocated arm-segment relative to the whole arm).
If several TBs were mapped between the same loci,
the Mb-distance between the two physically most distant TBs
was divided by the cM-distance of the two flanking markers;
such estimates are marked by the preceding symbol £.
Special cases are explained in footnotes.
a Corresponding genetic distance not definable since the TBs are located between co-segregating markers as indicated to the right of the genetic maps
b Physical subregions arbitrarily assigned to 0.01 FL-intervals because TBs of the same FL-estimate are located in different regions of the genetic map
c cM-positions of both the NOR and Cen are included by inference based on the Steptoe/Morex linkage map according to Kleinhofs et al. (1993)