Projects - EXBARDIV

ERA-PG Project:

Genomics-assisted exploitation of barley diversity (EXBARDIV): a collaboration between Andy Flavell (Coordinator; University of Dundee at SCRI), Klaus Pillen (Max Planck Institute, Köln), Alan Schulman (MTT Helsinki), Andreas Graner (IPK-Gatersleben), Luigi Cattivelli (CRA-IECR, Fiorenzuola d'Arda), Søren Rasmussen (Faculty Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen) and Joanne Russell (Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie)


Funding: 2.4 million Euros

The central goal of this project is to establish an incremental association mapping approach based on different population types for the discovery of new gene alleles in wild and landrace barley, which can be exploited for crop breeding. Our approach will build upon the strong genomics base of barley and will apply association genetics concepts pioneered in humans and Arabidopsis to test the efficiency of the association genetics approach for identifying gene alleles in Hordeum that are needed by the breeder. Our second objective is to recruit the new useful gene alleles, which have been discovered in the above studies, into advanced back-cross (ABC) breeding programs derived from wide crosses between H. spontaneum germplasm and elite cultivars. This will allow us to determine the efficiencies of identification and extraction of useful alleles in barley breeding programs based upon wide crosses. Our third major project objective is to use the huge DNA and marker data set obtained in the project to determine important population genetic parameters for barley.

Barley Genome Net - Projects




backcross populations
backcross populations


Hordeum spontaneum
Hordeum spontaneum