Version 1.2.815, 2006/06/30 - changed name generation of markers again Version 1.2.812, 2006/06/27 - fixed stupid marker click bug - support for centromeres (untested!), use "CENTROMERE" for vis_mapping_data.marker_code - changed name generation for markers, using grouping and other decimal scheme now Version 1.2.804, 2006/06/13 - populations are sorted alphabetically - chromosomes are sorted too - it's now possible to specify multiple URLs for different marker types - changed zoom function, should behave better now when dealing with very large marker positions - lot's of internal fixes and code cleanup Version 1.1.786, 2006/01/20 - fixed bug that was introduced in last release Version 1.1.785, 2006/01/19 - added support for MAPPING_CODE - made DB code more robust Version 1.0.769, 2005/08/07 - fixed a really old bug that prevented the context menu from working properly on secondary chromosomes - added CSV export - added menu item to changing sib pointer mode - final release Version 0.5.747, 2005/06/09 - version fix up Version 0.5.745, 2005/06/07 - fixed a bug in the search table that would have messed up marker type colors - fixed a rendering bug that would cause hilighted markers not to be drawn in the correct color - reverted jdbc drivers from "components" to normal "parts" because the jnlp implementation of 1.5.0 doesn't seem to like access control via .htaccess - EST-ID has been renamed to Seq-ID Version 0.5.739, 2005/05/03 - fixed stupid bug file close bug - fixed io bugs related to svg export - added support for compressed svg, aka svgz - svg export now makes a senseful file name proposal Version 0.5.733, 2005/04/15 - lots of docs updates - made database stuff more robust against failures (at least I hope) - changed base url Version 0.5.730, 2005/04/02 - marker types are now configurable with the command line option --markertypes=id,name[,color][;id,name[,color][;...]] - row up/down from the context menu in the search table works now - disabled scrollbar again, it is a pain in the a** - view commandline option now supports multiple entrys: --view=pop_id[,chrom_loc[,marker_type[,marker_code[,est_id]]]][;pop_id[,...]] - when there's a view option the initial help page is skipped and the data set is displayed immediatly - added --tableentry command line option that works like --view but does not display the set, it just adds the entry to the table - added --comparemode command line option: --comparemode=dis|all|pri|sec Version 0.5.704, 2005/03/07 - fixed various JDBC related memory leaks - added exception dlg for svg export and print request - scrollbar is finally working - main window remembers its maximized state - components are now "jnlp component extensions" Version 0.5.689, 2005/02/03 - made links in help page clickable - updated help page Version 0.5.685, 2005/01/30 - added new command line option: --deleteprefs - added l&f menu, this allows the user to switch to either jlf or the system lf - license dialog is now working correctly - fixed an really old bug in SearchTable which caused incorrect rendering Version 0.5.672, 2005/01/26 - added svg export - fixed a few bugs (can't remember which) - experimented a bit with jdic - added new command line option: --importprefs Version 0.4.612, 2004/12/01 - fixed a bug in marker selection code that prevented a new browser window to show up if the user clicked a selected marker - improved log file handler - exception dialog now displays the log file name - scrollbar is working, more or less... Version 0.4.596, 2004/11/14 - massive code clean up - fixed another few bugs that where introduced by the type change of ChomosomeLocation - added config export Version 0.4.585, 2004/10/31 - revamped exception dialog - fixed various bugs introduced by the data type change of ChromosomeLocation - fixed a bug that prevented the mouse cursor to change its shape - fixed a bug that prevented the opening of a new website with marker details Version 0.4.577, 2004/10/29 - made data retrieval more robust against database/driver failures - added CM_PARTIAL_PRIMARY - improved search table usability - improved rendering - marker selection now works on secondarys too - a few bug fixes here and there - ChromosomeLocation is now String Version 0.4.547, 2004/09/04 - fixed iterator bugs - CM_PARTIAL_SECONDARY now works as expected - fixed search table bug which prevented clearing of chromosome location field - fixed several other bugs - fixed a few threading/locking issues (at least I hope) - stabilized renderer/layouting - added row counter to search table - sadly there's now a lot of spaghetti code to allow code reuse - added title for each data set when comparing Version 0.3.510, 2004/08/18 - improved stability - improved rendering - CM_PARTIAL_SECONDARY is working (but needs fixing) Version 0.3.503, 2004/08/17 - added command line parameter for EST details URL - improved EST details URL handling - added global exception handler - speed improvements - improved rendering - fixed validation bugs - improved debugging - added printing - added multi-head support Version 0.3.466, 2004/06/28 - changed default chromosome color from yellow to light-gray - improved rendering - improved logging - code for centering chromosome in the middle of the window now uses only chromosome height - fixed bug which caused a lot of senseless error messages to be logged if no marker was visible - performance improvements - code cleanup Version 0.3.391, 2004/05/08 Version 0.2.361, 2004/04/19 Version 0.2.317, 2004/04/09 Version 0.2.295, 2004/04/06 Version 0.2.251, 2004/03/19 Version 0.2.232, 2004/03/15